Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ohh Dear Mind

Ohh Dear Mind

Please try to understand….

You have to say no to sin and sinful habits…you are simply wasting not only today but your tomorrow as well…

Today is ruined by waste of time..
Tomorrow is ruined by getting more garbage inside your mind.

The more you feed this bad dog…the more trouble it will give you..

Do you want trouble..anxiety..fear…rejection…and humiliation…?

Do no sin anymore….Krishna already gave you time to improve…Do not reject Krishna…otherwise you will simply be miserable in hell for long time..

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thank You Gaurang Prabhu

Hare Krishna,

Dear Gaurang Prabhu,
Please accept my humble obeisances,
All Glories to Srila Prabhupad,

Thank you very much for coming to Singapore and many thanks for staying in BACE for these days.
I was telling this to HG Haribol Anand prabhu also that in these days I can associate with you more closely than ever.

Yesterday, at Narad Rishi prabhu's place, after Bhagwatam I thought to ask a question in Q&A session that
"What drives you in life?" As I have seen you in these days and in yatra also,
how you push yourself to serve in this movement of Srila Prabhupad. Here I also saw how you serve holy name with dedication.

For this question, you answered my question in same class that "For great souls, only pleasure of Krishna free from selfish interest is the driving force in their life".

Surprisingly Sriram Gopal Prabhu asked me the same question last night. I never asked myself what drives me in my life.
And all I could think of was "hope". Hope for lot of Happiness or pleasure dervied from sense gratification and very little devotional service.

Such is my unfortunate situation. I am connected to Most glorious Spiritual Master and most glorious devotees like you still I cannot forgo my petty attachments.

I pray at your lotus feet to give your blessings and to Please pray for me
- that I give up lust and laziness and always remain in the association of pure hearted devotees.
- to have deterimination in life to pursue right direction as per your instructions and advice.
- to talk less and do more action :)

These three days flew like anything and I was not able to serve you.

Please forgive me for my mistakes or offences comitted in the course your stay or in this mail.
Please forgive me and keep me always in the shleter of lotus feet of Srila Gurudev.

Thank you once again.

Your servant always,