Tuesday, February 17, 2009


If one can develop his unflinching love for the transcendental Supreme Personality of Godhead, that can give complete satisfaction; otherwise there is no possibility of satisfaction in the material world or anywhere else.

Two Lords, Nityananda Prabhu and Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, They have appeared just to reclaim the fallen souls of this age. They are more kind then Krishna. Krishna, He is also very kind. He comes to deliver. But Krishna demands that first of all surrender. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu even does not demand surrender. He is so kind. (voice choking) So take shelter of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and be happy. Thank you very much.

Don't be after these motorcars, television, and all nonsense things, sporting, wine, women. Don't be after these. Simply eat sufficiently, keep your health nicely, chant Hare Krishna, realize Krishna, and go back to home. This is our philosophy.

"Mango is so nice, either ripened or unripened, it is always good. It is 'King of all fruits'. So devotional service is king of all processes of God realization. That is its position always, either ripened or unripe."

When we keep our association with Krishna every activity is proper and liberating, but if we should dissociate ourselves from the Lord's Mercy then like a hand which is severed from the body we become ugly and useless.

"Always think of the Lotus Feet of Sri Krishna and you will find no difficulties in executing the tasks allotted to you by Krishna.."

The transcendental ecstatic symptoms certainly become manifested in a devotee's body, but they should not be exhibited amongst common men.

Not knowing the real value of life, people think that the material body and the land where it is produced are all in all. This is the basic principle behind nationalism, socialism, and communism. Such thinking, which simply bewilders the living entity, is nothing but rascalism. It is due to the darkness of Maya. But as soon as one becomes Krishna Conscious, he is immediately relieved from such misconceptions.


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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Understanding Philosophy of Oneness

Understanding Philosophy of Oneness

By HG Radheshyam Prabhu,

The lord can be visible only thorugh Devotional Service.

All Pervasive conception of Supreme Personality of Godhead.

  • Lord is anthing that is subtle and gross.
  • One of the ways of gloryfying is that Lord is everything.
  • This theory of oneness is misunderstood by many.
  • Story of Dog eating chapati….saint considers him to be God…SP condemns
  • And condemning people who call daridr narayan.
  • Who is daridr? You or Narayan? -  SP asks…Narayan is always served by the Godess of Fortune, Lakshmi. In material world she is chanchal.
  • Conecpt of daridr narayan is bogus…simply cheating.
  • This is misceonception of treating everything as God.
  • Japanese Advert - You are me. I am you. We all are Gods so we can do no wrong. So buy this product from me.
  • Fear takes over a person when he sees two not one. When we turn our face away from Krishna then we see two. - SB
  • We and they….marking a line…states marking line…people marking line with poor rich….educated uneducated…line based on religion..casts
  • What is correct understanding of everything is one?...
  • When ppl talk of everything is one….we imagine that God must be impersonal….But Lord says he is "avyakt murtina" unmanifested form.--He says he has form but is all pervading also.
  • Lords personal form as energetic is different from the energy.like Sun and Sunlight. Sun has independent existence of the sunlight.
  • In BG Krishna says everything belogs to Him.kham bhumi apo nala vayuh…
  • How long can we control..things of this material world……SP says some control means no control….God means all control.
  • Krishna reminds we are using His energy…we are accountable for using His energy.
  • Lord present as deity…differece bw live wire and ordinary wire…example of Lord jagannath made of Daru brahman..
  • Those who are fortunate can see the lord in the deity form.
  • Krishna agrees to come as deity form so that we can see Him, touch Him, render service to Him.
  • One must be convinced that Lord alone has manifested his energies.
  • Brahma confused ..how hiranyaksh will be killed.….varah dev appeared from nose…When understood He is lord…all demigods offers payers and purusha shukta
  • Lord can appear from any where at any time…
  • One should know how material world is connected to Lord and How lord is indpendent…
  • Example - Rich man creating a skyscraper from a house…he does not take trouble…he just pays money…
  • So Lord says I am in full control of the energies…but I am unattached.
  • All energy work only for pleasure of Krishna.
  • Prakrati is like wife and Purusha is husband. As soon as Krishna glances on prakriti … nature comes into action.
  • So Krishna says material nature is connected to me and not connected to me. SP says - don’t think that Krishna took hammer and chisel and created this universe. His energies are very powerful.
  • If one becomes captivated by some beauty thinking it to me separated from Me then it is called Maya -Krishna Says in chatur shloki bhagwatam.
  • Oneness aspect says -- everything is Krishna.

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Art of Tolerance

Few Points from art of Tolerance

Happiness comes when our principles and our life are in harmony. Hypocrisy creates the turmoil in our hearts.

For our efforts, character and our integrity to have sustainable foundation, by which we can tolerate the storms that come upon us we must have spiritual realizations.

Eg a house with weak foundation.

To tolerate provoking situations we must have a strong foundation
and our principles, our morals and our ethics must be built on this foundation, our life should be built on this foundation.

We must  evaluate in our life What is sacred? What is important? Is it accumulating more money,or enjoying our senses.
To live by truth or live by illusion. The question Are you this body or you the soul. If you are this body then the materialistic ways of life seems logical but thinking us be simply body is most illogical

Body is vehicle and soul is illuminating this body.

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